Free Printable Worksheets
Showing 529–552 of 774 resultsSorted by latest
Sanchar Ke Sadhan (संचार के साधन)
Name the different mediums of communication given.
Apathit Gadyansh (मदद)
Read the hindi unseen passage carefully and answer the questions.
Ang Ki Matra Wale Shabd
Recognize the given pictures and complete their name by adding ‘Ang Ki Matra’.
Au Ki Matra Wale Shabd-2
Recognize the given pictures and write their ‘Au Ki Matra’ words name.
Nouns (संज्ञा)-4
Identify the noun in the picture and write it in the boxes.
Consonant Sounds of Ending Letter-2
Recalls the ending consonant sounds.
Consonant Sounds of Ending Letter-1
Write the ending sound letter for each given picture.
Consonant Sounds of Beginning Letter-2
Recalls the beginning consonant sounds.
Consonant Sounds of Beginning Letter-1
Write the letter that is the beginning sound of each picture.
Time Worksheet-3
Check the time on given analog clock and write the digital time.
Time Worksheet-2
Match Analog and Digital Clocks times and choose the correct one.
Time Worksheet-1
Draw the time on the clock face.
Apathit Gadyansh (स्लेज)
Read the Hindi Comprehension and answer the questions.
Apathit Gadyansh (मेरा प्यारा घर)
Read the Hindi Comprehension and answer the questions.
Verbs (क्रिया)-3
Identify and circle the verb (क्रिया) in each of the given sentences.
Comprehension – Brothers
Read the given comprehension carefully and answer the questions.
Comprehension – My Beautiful House
Read the given comprehension carefully and answer the questions.
Beginning Consonant Sounds-2
Identifies the beginning consonant sounds.
Beginning Consonant Sounds-1
Identifies the beginning consonant sounds.
Matching Verbs with Pictures
Match the verbs with the correct pictures.
Picture Comprehension – Classroom
Identify the given picture and fill in the blanks.
Apathit Gadyansh (सफर)
Read the hindi comprehension carefully and answer the questions.
Vachan Badlo
शब्दों के वचन बदलकर लिखिए। Singular Plural in Hindi
Identify Vachan
Identify the singular and plural in Hindi words from the given words.