Hindi Grammar Sangya Worksheet with Answers-17

Complete the sentences by writing the nouns. Check answers in the description.


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Hindi Grammar Sangya Worksheet with Answers

Complete the sentences given below by writing the nouns. संज्ञा शब्द लिखकर नीचे दिए गए वाक्य पूरे कीजिए।

उत्तर (Answers):

1. आम
2. इमली
3. ताजमहल
4. गंगा
5. खिलौने
6. साड़ी
7. मिठाई
8. पुस्तक
9. हरियाली
10. पक्षी
11. तारे
12. कक्षा

संज्ञा, sangya worksheet, noun in hindi, Nouns in hindi, Sangya in Hindi worksheet, Hindi Grammar, hindi vyakaran, Hindi worksheet, Hindi worksheet for class 3, Hindi worksheet for class 4, Hindi worksheet for class 5, Hindi grammar worksheet for class 3, class 3 worksheets in Hindi, vyakaran in hindi, Free Hindi Worksheets, skoolon

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