Anek Shabdon Ke Ek Shabd (एकार्थी शब्द)
अनेक शब्दों के बदले एक शब्द लिखिए।
Write one word substitution of the following multiple words.
Anek Shabdon Ke Ek Shabd, Anek Shabdon Ke Ek Shabd Worksheet, एकार्थी शब्द, Ekaarthee Shabd, Ekaarthee Shabd Worksheet, Monosyllable in Hindi, One Word Substitution, One Word Substitution in Hindi Worksheet, Hindi Worksheet, Hindi Worksheet for Class 1, Hindi Worksheet for Class 2, Hindi Worksheet for Class 3, Hindi Worksheet for Class 4, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द, Hindi Worksheet for One Word Substitution, Hindi Grammar, Vyakaran, Hindi grammar worksheet