Articles a an the or zero article exercises-1

Complete the passage with a—an—the or X (no article)


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Articles a an the or zero article exercises for Grade 4

Complete the passage with a—an—the or X (no article)


1. I visited X New York City last summer. X New York City is a bustling metropolis in the United States. It is known for the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. I stayed at a hotel near X Central Park. The hotel had a beautiful view of the park and the surrounding skyline. It was a memorable trip that I will never forget.

2. I once met a lady from X Hong Kong. She was visiting X Mumbai for the first time. She had a young girl with her. The young girl was her daughter. They were staying at a hotel near the Gateway of India. The staff of the hotel was very helpful. They provided the lady with a taxi to go around X Mumbai.

3. X Ritu Patel got a job in a computer company. The owner of the company was pleased with her because she was an honest and a hard-working lady. She promoted X Ritu.

4. It was a quiet day. Suddenly, the wind started blowing fiercely. The children ran to close the doors and the windows of their classroom. The Headmistress announced that the school would be over early. The school bell rang and the children gave a shout of joy and ran outside. A green car was blocking the school gate. An angry man was arguing with the school guard and was not moving the car.

5. I am from X Agra. X Agra is a famous city in X India. It is situated on the X banks of the River Yamuna. People from all over the world visit X Agra to see the Taj Mahal. I lived in a big house in the second lane of an area called Subhash Nagar. The house is hundred years old. It was built by my grandfather.

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